Bovi-Herd is a complex polyphenols mix which help to improve your production and increase your benefits.
The highly concentrated cocktail of plants derived from polyphenols:
Active ingredients in Boviherd have proprieties that are effective in improving meat quality. Among the ingredients are licorice, which acts like a powerful anti-inflammatory, folic acid which improves fertility, and peppermint and cinnamon which calm animals.
The scientific formula of polyphenols of Nat-Phen demonstrates significant reduction of stress, therefore improving welfare by producing more endorphins.
The use of the polyphenol mixes of Nat-Phen helps to control the bad cytokines that interferes with the proper immune response and therefore favors a better immune system.
The right mix of polyphenols from Nat-Phen products is rapidly absorbed to give quick results. Quicker results brings more economical growth and better welfare for animals.
The feeding of the polyphenol mix of Nat-Phen shows improvement in the reduction of ketone body and less insulinoresistance in the animal. Cows with the Nat-Phen program show an increase in rumination.
Active ingredients in Bovi-Herd and Bovisol have properties that are effective in improving production, milk and meat quality. Among the ingredients are licorice, which acts like a powerful anti-inflammatory and peppermint which is calming to the animals.
The use of Bovi-Herd with Bovisol improves fertility with the synergy of polyphenols and vitamins. This helps to control:
¨ Oxidative Stress
¨ Inflammation
¨ Body Regulation
Active ingredients in products have properties that are effective in improving production.
For farm with specific machines
The minimum order for this product is
40 bags (1 skid)