Old obese cats have higher risks of suffering of osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD). It is defined as a permanent and progressive destruction of the cartilage inside the articulations. This destruction of the cartilage often ends up in an inflammatory condition, called arthritis. Arthritis is a painful chronic condition. Up to 90% of old cats present radiographic bone degenerative changes. The joints most affected are the hips, the stifle, the tarsus, the vertebras and the elbow. Treatment of arthritis is frustrating to veterinarians and Nat-Phen brings a new, natural and effective solution.
Chronic stress induces a lot of problems in the cat. Often, stressed cats develop urinary problems and can lead to dramatic situations, such as a urethral obstruction. Signs of stress in cats are difficult to recognize and are vague. It includes: urine spraying, excessive self-grooming and hair loss, aggression, excessive vocalization, appetite alteration, accidents out of the litter, activity changes, etc. Nat-Phen offers a precise mix of polyphenols that has the characteristic of calming cats.
Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants and play a large role in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as cancer.
Polyphenols are a new field of research in human and veterinary medicine. The roles they play is still not completely understood but a lot of evidences show that their role is fundamental in the prevention of many age- related diseases.
Nat-Phen offers a complete formula made with a mix of the most antioxidant polyphenols from around the world. Together, these ingredients act synergistically to improve your cat’s health.
Nowadays, obesity is a widespread phenomenon in North American cats. Obese cats means their joints undergo a lot of pressure.
That pressure accelerates the degeneration of their joints and worsens the pain. Bigger the cat, faster the degeneration.